“A LOVING-FACED FRIEND” – by Rita de Cássia Amorim Andrade to EDRIS ELBA (categoria: Ritissima-Textos)

Postado por Rita de Cássia ligado ago 6, 2014 em Ritissima-Textos | 1 Comentário





















By Rita de Cássia Amorim Andrade


He is a tall man

with a loving-faced friend.

His eyes are warm and clever

sometimes profoundly.

His body is a figure carved by Zeus.

His lips is giving the impression that

he is a sensual person.

He is a handsome man.

He has a strong personality and

he is a very good communicative person.

When he is speaking to people on TV

or discussing for the purpose of theatre and film

he has a great ability to speak

with a sharp intelligence.

He is almost forty-two years old.

The color of his skin is deeply night.

I think that he will be successful in his life



1 Comentário para ““A LOVING-FACED FRIEND” – by Rita de Cássia Amorim Andrade to EDRIS ELBA (categoria: Ritissima-Textos)”

  1. Pedro Pio disse em:

    Congratulations for this delicious text!

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